Problems with your car heater? This may be the reason

Problems with your car heater? This may be the reason

There’s nothing worse than getting into your car on a cold winter’s morning and turning on the car heater, only to have nothing happen.  Or even worse, the air blowing through the vent is coming out cold! This is especially true in Ft. Collins, Colorado, where the...

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The Five Most Commonly Neglected Vehicle Maintenance Items

The Five Most Commonly Neglected Vehicle Maintenance Items

When most of us think of ongoing vehicle maintenance, we tend to only focus on oil changes, wipers or wiper fluid, or tire air pressure. While these are important to check regularly, there are some other important maintenance items that are often overlooked and...

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How to Tell if the Wheel Bearings are Worn Out

How to Tell if the Wheel Bearings are Worn Out

Have you been hearing a grinding sound coming from the area of your wheels? Does the sound get louder as you driver faster? Most likely, it’s a bad wheel bearing. If that’s the case, you will want to have it replaced. While a wheel bearing doesn’t typically fail...

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When it comes to vehicle warranties, know your rights

When it comes to vehicle warranties, know your rights

Did you recently purchase a new vehicle? Are you leasing one? It’s not uncommon for car dealerships to tell their customers they must have their vehicle serviced and repaired there or the manufacturer’s warranty will become void. This is simply not true. In actuality,...

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7 Tips to Get Your Vehicle Ready for Summer

7 Tips to Get Your Vehicle Ready for Summer

Spring is always a welcome sight, especially after a harsh winter. Our landscape certainly lends itself to scenic drives. Of course, there’s always spring and summer baseball season for the kids and all sorts of weekend activities that require a lot of back and forth...

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How Important is Your Vehicle’s Serpentine Belt?

How Important is Your Vehicle’s Serpentine Belt?

Many vehicle owners are unaware of just how important the belts and hoses are to the longevity of the engine. Because they are constantly in use while your vehicle is running, they undergo a lot of wear and tear. Belts are responsible for powering parts like the water...

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How’s the Exhaust System Running?

How’s the Exhaust System Running?

When most people think of the exhaust system, they imagine the tailpipe and muffler. In fact, it’s much more than those two parts and has a very important job to do – protect you and your passengers from being exposed to harmful gases. The system also minimizes...

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8 Things to Do to Increase the Life of Your Vehicle

8 Things to Do to Increase the Life of Your Vehicle

Buying a new vehicle is a steep investment. Buying a used one can be, too. The only way to maintain or increase the life of your vehicle is through preventive vehicle maintenance – that’s maintenance that is done to make sure fluids and filters are changed regularly...

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My car’s heater isn’t working! What’s wrong?

My car’s heater isn’t working! What’s wrong?

Our winters in Ft. Collins, Colorado can be fairly harsh. The last thing you want is to start your vehicle to find out the heater isn’t working. If there is no air or cold air blowing out of the vents when you turn the heater on, there’s a problem with the heating...

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